donderdag 19 november 2009

Flower following light

An interesting 5 min vid of a flower growing towards the light.

And the theorie behind it:


interesting book:

Smart Surfaces – and their Application in Architecture and Design
Klooster, Thorsten

vrijdag 13 november 2009

Electronic waste

The Dutch newspaper NRC.Next wrote yesterday about electronic waste, and today I noticed the article is also available on their English news site:

The city of Guiyu has been in and out of the news for the past few years and was also in the documentary 'Exporting Harm' (robot translation)

vrijdag 6 november 2009

Mobile Spaces

The Village

Matt + Charlotte + Clara: thinking about build a mobile village; the concept is based on it can be construct in one day wherever.
Every "building" will have its own main experience. However, the outside will be all connected.

donderdag 5 november 2009

First post

For the tactile research lab I was collecting some images which are inspiring to me. Here are some of them: